transform your habits, transform your life.

Join our 12 week Habit Starter Intensive

Imagine This…

  • Experiencing a renewed sense of vitality and well-being, as healthy habits seamlessly integrate into your daily routine, leaving you feeling empowered and in control of your health journey.

  • Waking up feeling energized and refreshed, free from the weight of stress and anxiety that once held you back.

  • Move through your day with ease and confidence, as newfound clarity guides your decisions and actions towards alignment with your deepest values.

  • Embrace a life of fulfillment and joy, where each moment is infused with purpose and possibility, and the path to your true potential unfolds effortlessly before you.

Just imagine if you could…

  • Make health decisions without second guessing yourself

  • Have a plan for your days and actually stick to it

  • Keep your New Year Resolutions for years to come

  • Feel (damn!) good doing it!

It’s easier than you think!

Long-lasting healthy habits are not only possible but achievable for busy moms and empty-nesters alike. With personalized guidance and support, you can cultivate sustainable lifestyle changes that align with your unique values and lead to a lifetime of vibrant well-being.


12 Week Habit Starter Intensive

Kick-start your journey to lasting wellness with our 12-Week Habit Starter Intensive. Through personalized guidance and support, we'll help you establish sustainable habits that align with your values and empower you to thrive.

Keys to long lasting habits


Learn Your Values: Gain a deep understanding of your core values and how they shape your health journey, empowering you to make aligned decisions that support your well-being.


Walk Away With Ingrained Healthy Habits: Establish sustainable habits that nourish your body, mind, and spirit, allowing you to effortlessly integrate health and wellness into your daily life.


Continue to Thrive: Experience lasting transformation as you cultivate a lifestyle rooted in authenticity and vitality, enabling you to thrive with confidence and resilience for years to come.

4 Steps to Healthy Habits

Step 1: Inventory

Day 1

We take an honest and judgement-free inventory of where you are at and what your struggles are. We take into account things you have tried without success as well. Through this process we start to identify what you are looking to achieve.

Step 2: Motivations

Weeks 1-3

Let’s get to know your deeper needs and values that go on to influence your motivations and current behaviors. Along the way, we get to see what has been sabotaging your current or past efforts to establish healthy habits.

Step 3: Apply

Weeks 3-10

Together, we develop goals with a better understanding of what makes you tick. Learn strategies to insert your values into your life and get your needs met through healthier habits.

Step 4: Consistency

Weeks 10-12

Troubleshoot alongside a professional set of eyes and ears. Gain consistency in your habits and translate that to confidence and capability to move forward on your own.

What you get:

>> Personalized guidance, accountability, and unwavering support for 12 whole weeks
>> Honest and insightful feedback tailored to your unique needs
>> Deeper self-awareness and self-love
>> Practical tools and resources to navigate challenges

This program starts at…


Early Bird Bonuses!

Partner/Friend/Family session: support in a healthy lifestyle is important. After our 12 weeks is over, let’s schedule some time to connect with someone important in your life and start to create a support system for your healthy habits to continue with ease.

Complimentary entry into any special programs that I run over the course of your 12 week program. These include classes, webinars, or basically anything that comes up with during that time.

Mid week check-ins via telegram. These can be via voice note or text message and will include accountability to your unique goals, motivational messages, or just a friendly hello.

I’ll be your coach

With over 12 years of experience working 1-on-1 with clients and a Bachelor's Degree in Kinesiology, coupled with certifications as an Exercise Physiologist, Corrective Exercise Specialist, and ACE-Certified Health Coach, I bring a wealth of expertise to my practice. My deep understanding of anatomy and physiology allows me to provide comprehensive support to my clients, while my intuitive insight and keen listening skills enable me to uncover underlying patterns and motivations.

By blending scientific knowledge with intuitive understanding, I am able to see the bigger picture of my clients' health and wellness journey, guiding them towards lasting transformation with empathy, insight, and expertise.

Ready to jump in?

Don’t wait another day struggling with
starting healthy habits, create a lifestyle that supports your health.